Design advice for everyone

How it works

The short version — book a video call with one of Swedens' best creatives within their fields of interior design, architecture, garden design and art. You choose 30 or 60 minutes of personal consultation. We will make sure you leave the call fully inspired and with lots of new ideas.

How to schedule your personal video call

01 — Book an appointment

Browse through our page to get to know what interior designer you wish to speak to. If you can't decide, no problem — we will help you find a good match. Once decided we will find an available date and schedule an appointment.

02 — Preparations

You can prepare as much or as little as you like. To get the most out of your call you can for example list questions, create mood boards, collect house- and floor plans or maybe plan for a viral tour of your house or garden. To help you prepare for the call we will send you ideas of what you can do. Want to stay spontaneous and prep-free? No problem, that works too!

03 — Join your video call

Welcome to your video call! It is time for your questions and our advisors will do their very best to guide and inspire. You will for sure leave the call with lots of new ideas and inspiration!

How it works — The longer version

You may already know what specific expert you wish to speak to or you maybe want help finding the one for you. No problem either way, our booking system will help you.

There is no requirement to prepare anything before your meeting, but to make it as rewarding as possible, we do recommend you think about what you hope for and want advice on in advance. For example, you can have pictures prepared, a mood board of what you like, blueprints in hand, written questions or drawings. Or maybe you want to guide us through a virtual tour showing us the areas you wish advice on. The more prepared you are the better answers we can give.

Once you have booked the meeting, you will receive an introductory email with more information and ideas on how to prepare if you wish to do so. When it's time for your call, you and your expert will meet via Teams through an invitation sent by us in advance. Since the invitation is sent by us, you do not have to have a Teams account, but it will be helpful to know how to connect to the call. This too will be in the introductory email.

During the call, you will have the chance to ask all of your questions. And we can't say this enough — this service is for everyone, no matter the size of project or size of budget. We are here for you and can't wait to hear more about your specific needs.

If you feel that one hour is a bit much, we offer 30 minute consultations as well. And of course you can book as many consultations as you wish. One call might not be enough for you. It could also be a great gift for someone you think needs our help. What better way to celebrate someone than with a gift card for a consultation with one of our experts? You can find more information about our gift cards here.

Our areas of expertise
and what you might need help with

Interior Design

There are always a million choices when it comes to interior design. Most of them are fun but then you might get stuck. This is where we come in. Moving into a new space? Can´t decide on color or furniture? Let us help you. Whatever you need.

Examples of what we can help with:

—   Furniture & lighting choices

—   Color and material selection

—   Ideas for built-in solutions

—   Floor plan guidance

—   Tips where to find what is missing for your home

Home Styling

It's no secret that it actually pays off  to style your home before a sale. Both interest and price are affected if your home looks neat and welcoming. Studio Milde's home styling expert has had endless of assignments and can help you bring out the uniqueness of your home.

Examples of what we can help with:

—  To find the uniqueness of your particular home & how to best highlight this

—  Find what it takes to create an inspiring feeling

—  Advise on what should be removed

—  Review furniture and details

—  Clarification of surfaces and function


Our hope and idea is to make art more accessible. To bring more art to our homes! Even for someone being very knowledgeable about interior design it can be difficult to navigate through the jungle of galleries, art dealers, advisors, auctions and how to create a home with art. This service is suitable for those who want to understand the world of art and learn more.

Examples of what we can help with:

—   How to choose art for your home

—   Where to look for art

—   How to find art for your home

—   How to buy art from galleries vs auctions

—   A concrete guide to galleriers, and artists to keep an extra eye on


Maybe you are finally building your own dream home, from start to finish. Or you just want to change what you already have and can´t see how? What material would be best to use for this specific thing, could this space be used in a different way? Don´t worry, our experts can guide you and give you new ideas and inspiration. Just one video call away.

Examples of what we can help with:

—   Optimizing plan in existing or planned parts of a new building

—   Outdoor areas; where to place and how to arrange terraces, pergola, vegetation, shelter

—   Exterior and/or interior materials, surfaces, fixed furnitures, fabric

—   Ways of thinking about a new extension – where and how to do so, contrast or resemble existing house

—   Where on the plot to put an Attefallshus, garage, carport, guesthouse, pool, conservatory

Garden design

The interest for gardening is really growing everywhere and with Studio Milde you can finally get your questions answered. How to cultivate or when to do so? What design to go for or what improvements to make? This and much more is available to you.

Examples of what we can help with:

—   Garden design

—   How to cultivate

—   When to cultivate

—   Construction

—   The every day questions about your garden

Our Experts